Plenarvorträge 2017

Die Vorträge wurden an der gemeinsamen Jahrestagung in Genf vom 21. - 25. August gehalten. Das Tagungsprogramm finden Sie hier.


General Introduction to CERN, its mission and future projects

The Experimental Physics Program of CERN

A Higgs-Eye View of the Cosmos

Quantum Photonics with Solid-State Emitters

Technology dependance of reflective optical systems for EUV and astronomical applications

Angulon quasiparticle: novel approach to angular momentum in quantum many-particle systems

Trapped-ion interfaces for quantum networks

The CHEOPS Mission: Goals and challenges

Spectroscopy of trapped antihydrogen atoms

Gravitational waves: a new window to explore the Universe

Accelerators: multifaceted instruments for science and industry